May 26, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Hello to everyone in the blogging community!

This is my first post to my new blog. The first of many more to come. I am learning so much right now about blogging and internet marketing and sometimes feel a little overwhelmed, but that's okay because I know in the long run it will pay off big time!

I write from the Motor City (actually a suburb of Detroit) and am preparing for another big sports night. Why NBA and NHL can get it straight, so that two teams in the same city don't have to play on the same night this far into the playoffs, I don't know. Last Saturday night, the Pistons, Red Wings and Tigers all played and before sellout crowds. I guess it's a good way to deal with some of the serious economic issues that are plaguing my state and the whole country.

As I mentioned earlier, I am new to all this and I am working with some good people that are helping me to get things up and running. I also am looking forward and encourage anyone reading this to make comments, suggestions, etc. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

The proliferation of the internet is a great thing, as you all know, with the wealth of information that is available. Just today, we had our first 85 degree day here and I decided to turn on my ceiling fan. I noticed that the blades were pretty dirty and needed to be cleaned. After doing that, I wondered which way should the fan rotate in the summer to be effective. I knew there was a reverse switch on it, but wasn't sure which way it should go. Well I Googled it of course, and got my answer. Just an example of the ease of the internet to find what you need to know.

Well it's time to go cheer on my teams, hope to hear input from all of you out there and I will talk to you again soon.


May 20, 2008

The Simple Way to the Perfect Golf Swing

"I GUARANTEE You’ll Lengthen your Drive and Cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes in Just Two weeks."

Unlock Your Hidden Potential by Discovering the Golf Swing that is Delivering Consistent, Accurate Distance to thousands of golfers world-wide. This Information can't be found ANYWHERE else!

Word is getting around! So far, we have helped people from 36 countries on each of the 7 continents fix their swing problems. There is a reason why "The Simple Golf Swing" is the # 1 rated golf instruction system on the internet...because IT WORKS. The number of golfers in Australia, Great Britain, South Africa and the United States benefiting from "The Simple Golf Swing" has absolutely skyrocketed! The number of golfers in Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Norway using this golf swing system has doubled in the last 60 days! We are receiving hundreds of letters and emails daily from people who are shooting the best scores in their lives! No other golf instruction method provides hard proof like this!

NOW is the time to fix that golf swing, once and forever. Start hitting the Fairway! We have helped THOUSANDS of golfers world-wide. Consider this statement carefully...One great set of clubs PLUS one bad swing equals one golf ball in the water or out-of-bounds (and one or two strokes higher on your score card). We are here to help your game. Your GOLF SWING is what drives your score...not your clubs or the ball you play. That is the truth in simple terms.

Is your golf swing providing you with the results you need to compete? Are you throwing strokes away by topping, slicing or hooking the ball? How many penalty strokes do you typically have during a round? Only you can answer those questions. The "Simple Golf Swing" is eliminating those problems for thousands of golfers world-wide.

You want a great golf swing? You can have it. You want to be able to chip the ball close to the pin? You will be putting the ball closer than you ever have in your life, and you'll be doing it within hours of discovering this system. You want to know what you should be thinking as you are preparing to hit the ball? It's all laid out for you.

To find out visit Simple Golf Swing Secrets!